Ruwenzori-Mount Stanley 5,109m

The Ruwenzori or mountains of the moon. The highest of which is Mount Stanley 5,109 m. The highest Ruwenzori's are permanently snow-capped, and they, along with Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya are the only such mountains in Africa. There are 6 main massifs from Mount Stanley (5,109m), Mount Speke (4,890m), Mount Baker (4,843m), Mount Emin (4,798m), Mount Gessi (4,715m) and Mount Luigi di Savoia (4,627m) So there is plenty to do.

Margherita peak 5.109 m is the highest point on mount Stanley and in the Ruwenzori

Itinerary: Stanley traverse

Day 1 - Kampala

Arrive at Entebbe International Airport then to Kampala for overnight.

Day 2 – Ruwenzori Mountains

Drive from Kampala to the village of Ibanda in the Mubuku valley.

Day 3 - Hike From Nyakalengija to Nyabitaba Hut, 2.652 m.

Day 4 - Hike From Nyabitaba Hut to John Matte Hut, 3.505 m.

Day 5 -Hike From John Matte Hut to Bujuku Hut, 3.962 m

Day 6 - Hike From Bujuku Hut to Elena Hut, 4.430 m.

Day 7 - Hike From Elena Hut to Kitandara Hut, 4.023 m. Via Margherita peak 5.109 m

Day 8 - Hike From Kitandara Hut to Guy Yeoman Hut, 3.261 m.

Day 9 - Stage 7: From Guy Yeoman Hut back to Nyakalengija

Day 10 - Spare day.

Day 11 - Back to Kampala in time for connections with the international flights from Entebbe International Airport

The above expedition is just a guide contact us at to discuss your needs..


December to February and June to August

The trip costs £1,400 exc. Flights.
Duration 11 days

Requires a minimum of 4 people

This route requires some scrambling and glacial travel. Previous scrambling experience is essential.

Book Online:

Booking conditions

Number of people

Alternative payment methods
Cheque or bank transfer


The expedition is led by our incountry team for group smaller than 12 people unless otherwise arranged. Groups of 12 people or more are led by a European qualified leader.

A remote medic/leader can be added to the trip for for £2,000

Note: You will need to budget for personel travel insurance as this is a requirement for climbing with us.